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How to Wash Cashmere Scarf without Damage

Cashmere scarves are one of life's simplest luxuries. Cashmere scarves are both expensive and delicate, and they are popularly searched and loved by the public through their lightness, softness and warmth. This means that it needs to be cleaned and cared for many years to come. In fact, if you take care of it, it can last an amazing amount of time.

How to clean a cashmere scarf step by step?

Cashmere scarves are soft and stylish, and they need you to wash them gently. The best way to wash your cashmere scarf is by hand, never in the washing machine. Then, lay the scarf flat on a towel to air dry. Make sure you never wring out your scarf, as that can damage the cashmere.

A few steps to hand wash a cashmere scarf.

1. Please use room temperature water to wash the pashmina scarf. 

You should not use cold or hot water to wash the pashmina scarf because it will break the internal structure of the pashmina and cause damage to the pashmina.

2. Do not use bleach or fabric softener in the water

you can use special cashmere soap or baby shampoo to add to the water to clean the cashmere scarf.

3. Stir the water in a basin and soak for 30 minutes

then continue to wash the scarf with fresh water, do not use running water to rinse the scarf.

4. Lay the scarf flat on another towel to dry overnight.

Place the clean, dry towel in a place where you will not accidentally step on it. Lay the scarf flat on the towel. Smooth the scarf so that it is free of any wrinkles. Come back the next day to see if it is dry. Do not hang the scarf to dry, as that will pull the fibers.

How often to wash a cashmere scarf?

Cashmere is a natural fabric and it does not need to be washed often. This is because cashmere itself has antibacterial properties that help keep it fresh, even after much wear and tear.

However, if your cashmere scarf is your constant companion, you may need to wash your cashmere scarf 2-3 times a season. Even if it doesn't look visibly dirty, because cashmere scarves come into contact with your sweat, and cashmere scarves are constantly exposed to various yards that wrap around dirt. So washing your cashmere scarf will help extend the life of your cashmere scarf. Also a clean cashmere scarf is not very attractive to flying insects.

Can I dry clean my cashmere scarf?

Hand washing your cashmere scarf is your first choice and one of the ways to keep it in the best condition. However, if your cashmere scarf accidentally has toy stains, we recommend that you leave it to the experts for dry-cleaning.

Can I machine wash a cashmere scarf?

Cashmere scarves are machine washable, but we always recommend that you hand wash your cashmere scarf. This will extend their life and maintain a soft and luxurious finish throughout their lifetime. Hand washing is the only way to fully control the temperature of the water and the gentleness of the process - the two most important elements when cleaning cashmere.

How do I protect my cashmere scarf?

Please do not wash your cashmere scarf too often, and we recommend that you always align it for hand washing. Also when wearing or storing, please avoid contact with other accessories or coarse fabrics that could cause damage to the cashmere scarf.

How do I store my cashmere scarf?

Fold your cashmere scarf flat and store it on a clean shelf in your closet out of direct sunlight and heat. Also don't talk about hanging the pashmina scarf for a long time to avoid over stretching and early field damage to the pashmina scarf. If you store your scarves for a long time, for example during the summer months, please keep them folded flat in a breathable storage bag, as well as some cedar wood balls to keep them fresh and mildew-proof.




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